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Übersetzungen für OU im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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OU [ˌəʊˈju:, Am ˌoʊ-] SUBST Brit

OU kurz f. Open University

Siehe auch: Open University

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In addition, the model provides an essential teaching component to OU medical, pharmacy, social work, and nursing students.
Late in the third quarter and early in the final period, OU made the critical drive of the game.
The legislative branch also considers legislation on a wide variety of topics concerning students at OU.
Smoky only studied at OU for the first year.
Fears joined the OU faculty in 1990, serving as professor of classics.
In 2005, an undercover video purportedly showed cruel treatment of animals in an OU-certified slaughterhouse.
The OU offense gained a total of 470 yards.
The OU is one of the largest university systems in the subcontinent with over 300,000 students on its campuses and affiliated colleges.
The teaching methods are not an accurate portrayal of contemporary teaching at the OU.
Once created, these shadow groups are selectable in place of the OU in the administrative tools.

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