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Übersetzungen für Shrove im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Shrove Tuesday [ˌʃrəʊvˈtju:zdeɪ, Am ˌʃroʊvˈtu:zdeɪ] SUBST Brit

Shrove Tuesday → Pancake Day

Siehe auch: Pancake Day

Pancake Day SUBST Brit ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The expression Shrove Tuesday comes from the word "shrive", meaning confess.
Young boys on Shrove Tuesday would normally bring in their own fighting rooster and would spend the afternoon at school placing bets on which rooster would win.
Shrove Tuesday, of course, was never about pancakes back in the day.
Not the heir to Shrove Tuesday scrimmages but the football that was to charm every continent.
Shrove Tuesday was also the day in rural Ireland when people got married.
Another important Shrove Tuesday ritual was the parade of masqueraders.
In the winter of 1344, one day before Shrove Tuesday, the knights penetrated the stronghold after tearing down one of the battlements.
Originally a dish to be cooked only on Shrove Tuesday, they have now become popular in the kitchen and are prepared year-round.
A Shrove Tuesday pancake supper is the other, and the funds raised help pay for the heat and lights in the building.
His birthday is celebrated at the meeting preceding Shrove Tuesday.

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