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Übersetzungen für absolve im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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absolve [əbˈzɒlv, Am -ˈzɑ:lv] VERB trans form to absolve sb of [or from] sth

1. absolve (free from responsibility):

to absolve sb of [or from] sth

2. absolve (give absolution):

to absolve sb of [or from] sth

Beispielsätze für absolve

to absolve sb of [or from] sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The friar absolves her of her vow of celibacy.
In some cases, this may be intended to absolve the employer/instructor from liability in the event that the client suffers physical harm.
He absolved the soldiers from any misconduct, claiming that the real guilty party had been the workers by promoting disorders.
They were both absolved of any offence in the trial and two appeals.
Opting out did not absolve the student from paying a services fee.
After about a week, he was later absolved of any foul play following a highly emotional press statement that was televised nationally.
The tanks are especially crowded during solar eclipse because it is believed that a dip there during the solar eclipse absolves one of all sins.
He should also decide whether he wants to absolve or to conduct the criminal.
I do not believe that good intentions absolve us of the consequences of our actions.
He absolved the academy with outstanding honors, but felt that he still had much to learn.

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