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Übersetzungen für absurd im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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absurd [əbˈsɜ:d, Am -ˈsɜ:rd] ADJ

don't be absurd!

Beispielsätze für absurd

don't be absurd!

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The band's high propensity for absurd, illogical stunts such as this soon became the norm.
The questions are of course absurd and are not meant to be taken seriously.
Looking to her as an escape, he said that it was absurd thinking life only means something if you leave work behind.
It is written in the form of absurd historical stories, complex charts and graphs, and fake newspaper columns.
Global population estimates for many of these at this time would be absurd.
But combined with the above, it is absurd, illogical.
The project is designed to show war as a closed circle of absurd, self-destructive futility.
The ladies of the house did not catch on until near the end of the meditation that it was absurd.
When you once believed something that now strikes you as absurd, even unhinged, it can be almost impossible to summon that feeling of credulity again.
Almost anything said or written about it, no matter how absurd, somehow, somewhere, some time comes close to the truth.

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