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Übersetzungen für amortization period im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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amortization period SUBST WIRTSCH

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

To solve this issue these securities typically have a revolving period, an accumulation period, and an amortization period.
The interest rate is similar, but the amortization period is more favourable.
During the amortization period, new payments are passed through to the investors.
In 2012, the federal government reduced the maximum amortization period for a mortgage to 30 years.
The maximum amortization period also drops to 25 years from 30 years -- giving borrowers less time to repay the debt in full.
The federal government is reducing the maximum amortization period for a government-insured mortgage to 25 years from 30 years.
The amortization period was 35 years in 2011 and 40 years in 2008.
Instead of choosing a five-year term, he suggests renewing every three or four years, and knocking a year off the total amortization period each time.
Over the entire amortization period, the rate of interest you pay will vary.
Neither has to date addressed issues like lowering the amortization period below 25 years or increasing the minimum deposit for high risk lenders.

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