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Übersetzungen für amuse im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . amuse [əˈmju:z] VERB trans

II . amuse [əˈmju:z] VERB intr

bawić [perf roz-]

Beispielsätze für amuse

to amuse oneself

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

No country gentleman should be without what amuses every step he takes into his fields.
As an umpire, he was known for his entertaining style, adding extra emphasis on his calls to amuse game attendees.
This act seems to amuse him more than a serious attempt on his part, though.
Such planets are often described with no pretense to scientific accuracy; their strange characteristics are primarily intended to amuse.
The professor stumbles on-stage at several points, amusing the audience who think it to be part of the act.
He began to amuse himself by attending various parties and other social engagements.
He said it had good dialog that entertains and amuses without any pause in the action.
Be stereotyped, do nt go too far, do nt shatter our illusions about you, do nt amuse us too seriously.
It is designed to challenge and amuse programmers, and was not made to be suitable for practical use.
In particular, some readers were not amused by cartoons illustrating the daily activities of the editor.

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