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Übersetzungen für anaesthetise im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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anaesthetise VERB trans Brit

anaesthetise → anaesthetize

Siehe auch: anaesthetize

anaesthetize, anaesthetise Brit [əˈni:sθətaɪz, Am -ˈnes-] VERB trans

1. anaesthetize (lessen pain):

2. anaesthetize (make unconscious):

anaesthetize, anaesthetise Brit [əˈni:sθətaɪz, Am -ˈnes-] VERB trans

1. anaesthetize (lessen pain):

2. anaesthetize (make unconscious):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She is a gifted chemist and is using the set-up of the washhouse to anaesthetise the miners and distill from them the neuro-chemicals that enable sleep.
What is more, plants seem to anaesthetise themselves.
Voters were asked whether they approved of prohibiting butchering without the animals being anaesthetised.
The mindless repetition of political language is anaesthetising our brains, and giving an appearance of solidity to pure wind.
Way stations along the road used to ply rattled coach riders with grog anaesthetising their odyssey.
No symptoms of pain are experienced during the procedure itself as the outer window of the eye is anaesthetised by eye drops.
Perhaps we have simply become anaesthetised to his talents after years of consistent brilliance.
Either topical or sub-tenon's anaesthesia is utilised to anaesthetise the eye.
The driver of a car involved in a collision has been anaesthetised at the scene after suffering serious injuries.
The elephant had to be anaesthetised standing up for a delicate operation to stop her eye becoming badly infected which lasted just under an hour.

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