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Übersetzungen für anastomosis im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He is remembered for introduction of new surgical procedures, as well as his work involving techniques of vascular anastomosis.
It is a poor anastomosis and is connected with ischemic colitis.
This anastomosis can then be reinforced with vicryl suture.
In situations where portal pressures increase, such as with cirrhosis, there is dilation of veins in the anastomosis, leading to esophageal varices.
A duodenum-intestinal anastomosis is carried out, 250 cm from the ileocecal valve.
Circular staplers are used for end-to-end anastomosis after bowel resection or, somewhat more controversially, in esophagogastric surgery.
Arterial anastomosis includes actual arterial anastomosis (e.g. palmar arch, plantar arch) and potential arterial anastomosis (e.g. coronary arteries and cortical branch of cerebral arteries).
A surgeon sews the graft to the target vessel by hand using surgical suture, creating a surgical anastomosis.
This anastomosis is a ring circulation around the scapula where it continues to the suprascapular artery via the circumflex scapular artery.
It that can arise from either the internal or external carotid artery, or serve as an anastomosis between the two.

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