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Übersetzungen für antennae im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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antennae [ænˈteni:] SUBST

antennae Pl of antenna 1

Siehe auch: antenna , antenna

antenna2 <-s> [ænˈtenə] SUBST AM ELEK

antenna1 <antennae> [ænˈtenə] SUBST ZOOL

Beispielsätze für antennae

to put out feelers [or antennae] übtr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The antennae are unhooked and some species even possess a short apiculus.
The long antennae help the shrimp orientate itself with regard to its immediate surroundings, while the short antennae help assess the suitability of prey.
The antennae are light fuscous with indistinct darker annulations.
They have large antennae (see photo below left).
Then they perform jerky movements on the leaves, stretching the antennae straight forward, placing the hindwings flat on the leaf and slightly raising the forewings.
In the living cowries mantle and foot are quite developed, with external antennae.
The lobster's head bears antennae, antennules, mandibles, the first and second maxillae, and the first, second, and third maxillipeds.
The head is long, the upper face has a medial division and the antennae are porrect.
Numerous antennae protruded from the aircraft, and chaff dispensing pods were carried.
The antennae are paler at the tips and are covered in tiny, yellowish hairs.

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