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Übersetzungen für arms race im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für arms race

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This reciprocal change drives coevolution between many plants and herbivores, resulting in what has been referred to as a coevolutionary arms race.
There are no provably secure software anti-tampering methods, thus the field is an arms race between attackers and software anti-tampering technologies.
Of course such a policy stimulates an arms race.
Many insects have developed ways to defend against these plant defenses (in an evolutionary arms race).
As a consequence of territorial disputes both countries had begun to increase their military budgets and an arms race ensued in the 1890s.
Or will it become another focus for the arms race and thus an area of dangerous and sterile competition?
To stop a needless, expensive and possibly dangerous arms race, the major countries signed a series of naval disarmament agreements.
Competition for listeners between radio stations and competition for clients between recording studios has also caused a loudness arms race.
The arms race pushed industry to hire more engineers and gadzarts perfectly matched their needs.
For many, there was the important task of connecting the link between world hunger and the arms race.

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