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Übersetzungen für au pair im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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au pair [əʊˈpeəʳ, Am oʊˈper] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

With very little choice, we contacted a reputable au pair agency who came recommended.
If a family has a child under the age or two, the au pair has to have at least 200 hours of experience.
Many governments impose limits as to how many hours an au pair is allowed to work.
Such websites supplement this search functionality with various information offerings about au pair requirements in different countries as well as by providing user support for their registered users.
It is therefore important to have a private working email, that families can use to contact the au pair.
Au pair schemes are subject to government restrictions which specify an age range usually from late teens to mid to late twenties.
Cost are typically hire for a special needs au pair.
The au pair was supposed to be treated as a member of the family rather than a servant, and was not required to wear a uniform.
Hosting an au pair is considered a program of cultural exchange, by no means an employment contract.
The family pays $1000 in educational expenses, and the au pair is required to complete 12 hours of academic credit.

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