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Übersetzungen für backbiting im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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backbiting SUBST kein Pl


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Backbiting, speaking of the faults of others in their absence, is described as the greatest sin and the most hated human characteristic.
Fishing is supposed to be a refuge from the backbiting and petty rivalries of every day life.
Intramolecular termination is called backbiting and results in the formation of cyclic oligomers.
Staff-on-staff aggression may be passive, such as a failure to return a telephone call from a disliked colleague, or indirect, such as engaging in backbiting and gossip.
The friendship usually ends when they do what they have to do to sail afloat the immigration waters, where envy and backbiting take over.
He also experienced changes in auditory perception, reported supersensitive hearing and auditory hallucinations of backbiting whispering voices of his peers.
Carter has been described as a shrewd and astute business man, while his obituary noted that he was especially distinguished for his aversion to slander and backbiting.
The length and breadth of our days are spent gossiping, spreading rumors or backbiting someone that we dislike.
You would hate it (so hate backbiting).
And unlike the sectarian backbiting of the traditional left, the name of the game now is innovation, co-operation and building on each other's successes.

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