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Übersetzungen für bar chart im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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bar chart SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Should enough users have rated the album, a bar chart will also be shown indicating how many votes each rating has.
The data can be presented as a line chart, bar chart or map.
The name comes from the shape of the bar chart plotting the amounts of whisky from each of those years, which resembles a rollercoaster.
The relevant bar chart is on p. 32 of the report.
Most subjects have difficulty ordering the slices in the pie chart by size; when the bar chart is used the comparison is much easier.
This can be done in a table format or with a bar chart or a similar form of graphical representation.
It contained 43 time-series plots and one bar chart, a form apparently introduced in this work.
For questions with right/wrong answers, audience members can get immediate feedback about whether they chose the correct answer, since it can be indicated on the bar chart.
It could take tabulated data and create common business and statistics graphs such as bar chart, pie chart, scatter plots and radial plots.
There are two ways of looking at the memory in use, either a basic text view, or a bright and colourful bar chart.

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