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Übersetzungen für bathing cap im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für bathing cap

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

One magazine spread showed off the range of swimmers' bathing caps in all their tantalizing (if not exactly functional) variety.
I'm sure you can remember having to wear that horrible bathing cap as a child.
She swam with dolphins, a bathing cap covering her head that was still bald from chemo.
By the 1930s, bare arms and legs were allowed, but the bathing suits were still quite heavy and you had to wear your bathing cap.
Brainwaves are monitored in a non-invasive procedure that involves placing a cap on the subject's head, similar to a bathing cap.
In fact, the club donated about 30 pairs of goggles, six bathing suits, one pair of fins, 20 bathing caps and club t-shirts.
On the night, in pink swimming costume and bathing cap, she performed her dive surprisingly well.
For 3 old pennies a customer hired a bathing costume and for 6 old pennies they could hire the whole package which consisted of a bathing cap, costume and towel.
She's hanging up her bathing cap and goggles, at least for now.
In addition, the swimmers will wear pink bathing caps.

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