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Übersetzungen für begot im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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begot [bɪˈgɒt, Am -ˈgɑ:t] VERB

begot Past of beget

Siehe auch: beget

beget <-tt-, begot, begotten> [bɪˈget] VERB trans

1. beget form (cause):

rodzić [perf z-]

2. beget liter (father):

beget <-tt-, begot, begotten> [bɪˈget] VERB trans

1. beget form (cause):

rodzić [perf z-]

2. beget liter (father):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

And, what he did was to make them materials for a laugh that begot another laugh, which finally spread across our body, mind and intellect.
The principle established was affinity begot affinity.
Later she fell in love with a royal dispatcher of fantastic physique, and begot two able sons with him.
She eventually joined her husband with whom she begot 11 children and the died at the age of 65.
As is often the case, success begot success.
A 2-4 start begot a 5-1 finish, and it appears the team was at its best at the end of the season.
It wasn't the case that money and success begot more money and success.
There seemed to be no lesson, no parable to expound, just who begot who.
But, conversion begot by aggressive or predatory proselytization is a form of violence.
This survey, much like the original that begot the action plan, was peppered with questions which seemed, to my mind at least, designed to elicit fairly predictable responses.

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