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Übersetzungen für below par im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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below par ADJ WIRTSCH

Beispielsätze für below par

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

All the other contestants produced dishes that were below par.
That second-half performance was way below par, it should never have happened.
Only 16 of the 93 competitors finished with a round below par, and only four were under par at the halfway mark.
Even so when the new issue arrived it also sold below par.
One reaction to this was to attack bond traders as unpatriotic if they sold below par.
They also thought the artificial intelligence was below par, as the variable defensive abilities of their forces resulted in significant imbalances.
Maybe they should have, but, as already noted, these interventions seem to be carried out by amateurs, and the desired results are slightly below par.
It's all about discipline and self-belief, determination, wanting to do the best you can do and not accepting anything that's below par.
In the financial crises of 1818-19 and 183741, many banks failed, leaving their money to be redeemed below par value from reserves.
The paper said 19,000 service homes were in disrepair, half of all single accommodation was below par and that some servicemen would have to wait 20 years for improvements.

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