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Übersetzungen für benefit claim im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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benefit claim SUBST WIRTSCH

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I don't know what the nature of the calls were in this instance, because obviously all you know is that's what they are benefit claims.
Then she asked me to sign the burial benefit claim and handed me the reference slip.
Overwhelmingly, they only made a benefit claim as a last resort when their extended family could not make ends meet.
Currently, medical aid premiums are very high because schemes operate on an open-ended liability when it comes to prescribed minimum benefit claims.
The confusion over his benefit claims was because he also later suffered a serious toe injury to his right foot.
Base periods typically provide a point of reference for economic studies, consumer demand, and unemployment benefit claims.
Failure to report a change in circumstances that may affect your benefit claim, such as a partner moving in, is a crime.
He said clamping down on cosmetic surgery claims was one way to mitigate the rise in benefit claims.
According to the pensions' scheme, it has instituted measures to deepen its financial sustainability and meet potential increase in benefit claims.
There is a safety benefit claimed that if the train derails, it is less likely to jackknife and modern construction techniques prevent telescoping.

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