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Übersetzungen für bombard im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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bombard [bɒmˈbɑ:d, Am bɑ:mˈbɑ:rd] VERB trans

1. bombard:

bombard (throw bombs)
bombard (shoot)

2. bombard (overload):

to bombard sb with questions
bombard HIST, MILIT

Beispielsätze für bombard

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The high pressure and bombard registers are solo parts for particular musical effects.
At this point the forts changed their colours and began to bombard the frigate.
Both fleets bombarded each other in a line of battle.
Altogether, the city was bombarded for 26 hours.
Both techniques involve bombarding the sample with electrons, and measuring the negative ions produced.
For months after purchasing his house, he was bombarded with threats and constant media exposure.
The squadron bombarded the port several times over the next two days.
Artillery units and ships can now bombard enemy units directly on the campaign map.
Along with flourishing traditional forms such as the bombard-binou pair and fest-noz ensembles incorporating other additional instruments, it has also branched out into numerous sub-genres.
In this technique, a thin uranium target is bombarded with protons and nuclear reaction products recoil out of the target in a charged state.

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