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Übersetzungen für breccia im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Thick sequences of sedimentary (colluvial) breccias are generally formed next to fault scarps in grabens.
The spines are covered by welded breccia close to their bases and columnar jointing extends into the welded sequence.
Geologically it is unusual as it has formed not in true limestone, but in brockram, a breccia of limestone fragments within sandstone.
It is classified as being a shock-melted breccia, its minerals having recrystalized after the impact that knocked it off of its parent body.
In the western part of the orebody, mineralization occurs in a complex of several small granodiorite cupolas, diorite sills, older intrusions, breccias, and sediments.
Glassy breccias form from impact melt that exit the crater and entrain large volumes of crushed (but not melted) ejecta.
The eruption forms breccia with large clasts, called explosion breccia.
It contains a lower formation made up of pillow basalts with pillow breccias, tuffs, and shales underlying a group of pelagic limestones, oozes, and turbidites.
Three cirques have eroded there in a sequence of agglomerated, fragmented rock and volcanic breccia associated with pillow-lavas overlain by more coherent, solid lavas.
The impact origin is attested by the presence of impact breccias, quartzite shatter cones and shocked quartz.

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