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Übersetzungen für buffoon im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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buffoon [bəˈfu:n] SUBST

to play the buffoon

Beispielsätze für buffoon

to play the buffoon

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As he grows older, he changes from a rather bright child to a dimwitted buffoon.
Many of his television parts were as a stuffy, middle class buffoon, with a stiff upper lip, and he is known for deadpan drollery.
It was a manner of enlivening life by playing the buffoon....
He appears comical and moronic, using these features to camouflage himself as a buffoon.
His character is depicted as a bit of a buffoon with a conniving, greedy personality who is disliked by many of the town's residents.
He is very intelligent and strategic, but comes off at times like a comical buffoon and has a short temper.
He has many insults for his servants when they fail him, including blithering oafs, incompetent fools and idiotic buffoons.
Killjoy has to present witnesses and evidence to prove him guilty, and is stripped of his malice buffoon and his powers.
This record reveals with alarming clarity that he is actually a poor songwriter, dire lyricist, and arrogant buffoon all at the same time.
He is largely contemptuous of his son-in-law, whom he sees as an incompetent buffoon.

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