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Übersetzungen für bunk bed im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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bunk bed SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is implied that he also lives in his office since a bunk bed can be seen.
I'll take the top bunk of the bunk bed that has a bottom and top bunk.
Together they assemble a bunk bed in advance.
There's a musty odour, the floors are wet, and there's a rusty bunk bed that looks like it has been there for decades.
I folded my mattress on itself, and then placed the piano on the steel bunk bed.
Instead, it was a little, chocolate bunny strapped to my bunk bed by my rugby coaches.
They also found two inches of cat feces under the bunk bed where the boys had slept.
The couple had the main bedroom and their two sons shared a room with a bunk bed.
A twin over full bunk bed is arranged as a standard except that the bottom mattress is a full size and the upper is a twin size.
He then hanged himself with a belt from his bunk bed.

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