Englisch » Polnisch

I . buoy [bɔɪ, Am ˈbu:i] SUBST NAUT

boja f

II . buoy [bɔɪ, Am ˈbu:i] VERB trans

1. buoy (cause to float):

to buoy [up]

2. buoy (stay high):

3. buoy (make happier):

station buoy NAUT
spar buoy NAUT
wiecha f
spar buoy NAUT
tyka f
nun buoy NAUT
nun buoy NAUT
mooring buoy

life buoy SUBST

life buoy

Beispielsätze für buoy

to buoy [up]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This image, buoyed by close family and social links and the community's fortitude in the war, came to be represented in literature and film.
The course itself is fully buoyed and can be modified to accommodate swimming and kayaking events.
However, official buoys reported swells of 57 feet (17 meters).
Moored buoys have been in use since 1951, while drifting buoys have been used since 1979.
Young fishes are also often found in or near shipwrecks, beams or supports, jetties, flotsam and sea buoys.
Within the groups the buoys were placed 15-20 meter apart.
Many different drifting buoys exist around the world that vary in design and the location of reliable temperature sensors varies.
At the stern is handling equipment for mooring and retrieving oceanographic and acoustic buoys.
One team member had to navigate around buoys on the lake while the other team member instructed them.
The river channel is marked with large green buoys.

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