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Übersetzungen für byte im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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byte [baɪt] SUBST COMPUT

bajt m

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Each physical sector stored 512 data bytes and 20 tag bytes.
After the host sends a special command sequence, it switches to an extended format in which a fourth byte carries information about wheel movements.
The standard encoding method uses a simple translation of the fields into a byte stream.
The boot image is of the no emulation type, 1 sector long (2048 bytes) and is loaded at segment 0x7c0.
Variable-length types such as string and opaque are padded to a total divisible by four bytes.
All keys must be byte strings and must appear in lexicographical order.
In the case of a read, they indicate which bytes the initiator is interested in.
The entire suite provided routing and packet delivery, as well as higher level functions such as a reliable byte stream, along with numerous applications.
However, due to the influence of several major computer architectures and product lines, the byte became overwhelmingly associated with 8 bits.
The algorithm runs through a loop where it permutes each byte in the auxiliary block 18 times for every 16 input bytes processed.

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