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Übersetzungen für camera-shy im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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camera-shy ADJ

Beispielsätze für camera-shy

he is camera-shy

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The rapper, 36, is notoriously camera-shy.
With caves being the natural enemy of camera equipment, capturing the camera-shy ancient spider on film has presented some major challenges.
The late artist was a rarity among the usually camera-shy tribe.
The year-long post is not for camera-shy kids -- applicants need to post a one- to two-minute video application online describing their favourite toy, game or gadget.
My girlfriend points out that it's also the least camera-shy mouse she's ever seen.
For example, some companies conduct video interviews, so if you are camera-shy perhaps the school can provide help in this area.
Giant squid are among the most mysterious creatures on the planet; the camera-shy behemoths lurk in murky ocean basins across the world.
No, not the bashful, camera-shy tight forward.
This most camera-shy big cat first filmed in the wild as recently as the 1970s treads the same mountainous tracks as humans and livestock.
But she was nowhere to be seen although the notoriously camera-shy actress may have slipped in the back to avoid the flashbulbs.

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