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Übersetzungen für camp out im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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camp out VERB intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The attendees camp out in tents, trailers, or cabins and spend the weekend engaged in various activities.
During that time, people from a broad area come to camp out for the weekend.
Participants often camp out for the weekend to party with friends and celebrate golf.
However, he came to training camp out of shape and was released two games into the season without playing a minute for the club.
Now, especially during the summers, people often visit the island and camp out overnight on the beach (camping is not allowed in the village).
Uprooted, the families would often camp out near the schools to be with their children and provide a safer environment.
As a result, students would bring sleeping bags and tents and camp out on the quadrangle.
Each week before a home game, students camp out in front of the stadium in order to hold their positions in line for front-row seats.
Along the course of the race, riders have the option to stay with local nomads or camp out.
This event will not officially end, and guests are encouraged to bring tents, sleeping bags and pillows and camp out on the floor with the bands.

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