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Übersetzungen für capricious im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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capricious [kəˈpri:ʃəs] ADJ


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She describes herself as capricious, angry and ultra strategist.
These actions, sometimes capricious and brutal, fanned the flames of rebellion.
Though the straight-line distance is 22.5 miles, choppy waters and capricious tides forced him to swim an estimated 56 miles.
Like nature itself, they can appear as fickle and capricious as the winter chill, yet also as warm as the summer sun.
Unlike other stalactites, they grow multidirectionally in capricious ways, i.e. horizontally to the floor, developing weird curved patterns and even upwardly.
A lawsuit against the ban was upheld by a state judge, who voiced concerns that the ban was fraught with arbitrary and capricious consequences.
One of the greatest liberal triumphs involved replacing the capricious nature of royalist and absolutist rule with a decision-making process encoded in written law.
But this disposition does not always manifest itself with the exactitude of clocks; it is often capricious and pertains to various exterior and psychic causes.
This beach has heaps of shells pushed onshore in capricious formations.
A haughty, willful, and capricious girl, she refuses to publicly admit her love and in fact often openly mocks him.

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