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Übersetzungen für cast about im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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cast about, cast around VERB intr

Beispielsätze für cast about

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The sanctus bell was cast about 1700 and is hung in a bellcote on the chancel arch gable.
In 2012, white working-class voters cast about 44 percent of the ballots.
However commendable their willingness to cast about for some method that might actually work, they have ended up waging a war of attrition.
There have been discussions amongst the cast about negotiating any contracts ahead of the next series with what they can and can't do.
Having lost a scent, a good bloodhound will stubbornly cast about for long periods, if necessary, in order to recover it.
The political leaders advancing austerity measures made their choice of policy first, and then cast about for intellectual buttresses.
Until quite recently, you would cast about for extended statements by novelists on their own art.
After all, our system isn't actually broken, so why cast about for a solution when the problem is largely imaginary?
For some years the writer cast about among his friends in the party in the hope of finding those few whose enthusiasm could be concretized into action.
Amid increased fingerpointing, the government desperately cast about for new ideas for dealing with the growing environmental crisis.

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