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Übersetzungen für celibate im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . celibate [ˈseləbət] SUBST

to be a celibate

II . celibate [ˈseləbət] ADJ

to be celibate

Beispielsätze für celibate

to be a celibate
to be celibate

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

For this reason, yulwon students must be celibate.
Bishops are elected from among those clergy who have chosen, usually by taking monastic vows, to remain celibate, or from widowed clergy.
He was a celibate and had to fend for himself.
Some ghilman seem to have lived celibate lives.
Bishops are still celibate and normally chosen from the ranks of monks.
It should be up to priests to decide whether they want to live a celibate life.
The village lama who presides over ceremonies and rituals can be a celibate monk or a married householder.
Although freed from her engagement, she chose to stay celibate and became a nun.
He was ordained a celibate priest in 1971 and achieved the ecclesiastical degree of vartabed two years later.
At this period hereditary succession (normally from uncle to nephew as the patriarchs themselves remained celibate) was in force in both patriarchates.

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