Englisch » Polnisch

I . check out VERB intr

1. check out (at hotel):

2. check out (be confirmed):

II . check out VERB trans

1. check out (examine):

2. check out (look):

3. check out AM (borrow):

Beispielsätze für check out

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Once the call ended, he decided to check out the bank.
Check out my influences in the general info section.
Mal decides to check out the derelict in order to either help survivors or loot the dead.
Check out to see and hear some of her performances.
Some tools allow team members to check out their schedules (and others' as read only) to work on them while not on the network.
Users purchase day passes or annual memberships and can check out and return bikes at any station in their city.
In 2003 the team was suspected of intentional failure to check out the games, which is why the 2nd part of the championship club missed.
The deposit is not refunded if the user fails to check out at the end of the journey.
As the waters receded, flooded buildings were inspected by strike teams before owners were allowed to return and check out the damage.
Check out the website to earn your summer packet.

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