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Übersetzungen für chick-flick im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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chick-flick (movie) ugs
chick-flick (movie)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Both have movies opening this week, his-and-her titles that present a fatal date-night choice of gonzo male action versus chick-flick romance.
Instead, she was comforted, consoled and magnanimously given the opportunity to hug it all out in scenes worthy of a chick-flick.
A superficial view of her work may have resulted in her work being labelled, or typed, as feminist or chick-flick, and resulted in it being overlooked by some.
It's not a chick-flick musical.
Tries to blend chick-flick staples with bro humour but never quite gets the mix right.
This is little more than a fictionalised mainstream chick-flick, perhaps with a tad more swearing.
Yet rather than just matching music to emotions, the chick-flick's producers want to suggest that this film is a regenerative experience for all.

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