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Übersetzungen für chimerical im Polnisch » Englisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Committed focus, attention to detail, chimerical insight, and a sense for order and system are features of his work as much as they are "symptoms" of anything else.
The humans have reverted to a preindustrial existence in a world populated with chimerical beasts such as the saurian jodphurs, relying on bio-sciences for whatever support they can derive.
Now and then the new one will come along and seem marginally less dire, but prove all too chimerical.
The manuscript's botanical drawings are no less strange: the plants appear to be chimerical, combining incompatible parts from different species, even different kingdoms.
Colors that are impossible to achieve through any constant illumination pattern, but simple to access through fatigue effects in the human eye, have been dubbed chimerical.
That quest proved long, and, ultimately, chimerical.
The moderate rebels have become increasingly chimerical.
It was a chimerical phenomenon, a set of moves away from movements, the ism at the end of the isms.
The fangs of chimerical beasts sinking into flesh, the heavens full of steel and smoke, whole cultures uprooted from the earth.
Until we are actively challenging the terms of our own status as commodified selves and redefining those, all our choices are chimerical.

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