Englisch » Polnisch

Übersetzungen für chop up im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Polnisch » Englisch)

chop up VERB trans

1. chop up onion:

siekać [perf po-]

2. chop up wood:

rąbać [perf po-]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

At this time, hunters may also chop up pieces of fat and the brain to mix together and eat with meat.
Cooked, sorrel forms classic combinations with eggs and with salmon, or you can chop up a few fresh leaves and add to salads.
Often porpoising, the group chop up the water tremendously.
Town officials say they don't expect residents to chop up branches that fell in their yards.
Once your glorified croutons have some colour on them, chop up some tomatoes and toss them in a big bowl with your bread.
Next, chop up some fresh herbs, which add flavor but not sodium.
A wonderful way to de-stress would be to chop up some ginger and drop it into hot water with a slice of lemon.
The vendor will chop up your meat and serve it in a sandwich or with a handful of fries.
Neighbours came to the rescue with chainsaws to chop up the tree and clear the way.
Have you ever wanted to chop up your friend's tweets into animated chunks, making them look like the opening credits of a 90s action movie?

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