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Übersetzungen für cliffs im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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cliff [klɪf] SUBST

Beispielsätze für cliffs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is associated with underground water sources, especially at the base of the cliffs, and flowers and fruits throughout the dry winter season.
The cliffs around the harbour are the highest paragliding launch site in the island.
But after a few klicks the trail veers away from the coast and sends cyclists up through forest-covered cliffs.
Lumps of the hulk were lifted up the sheer cliffs using ropes and pulleys, the salvers using rope ladders for access.
Red gorals are most active during the day, and tend to retreat to inaccessible cliffs at night, where they sleep on sheltered ledges.
The cliffs and the flat top give it a mesa-like appearance.
Outcroppings of limestone form low rolling hills, stubby cliffs, and shallow ravines.
The existing plants are found only on nearly vertical cliffs which even goats can not climb.
The observer's eye is gently directed towards the central figures of the two Israelite spies by the lines of clouds and cliffs beneath them.
However, the mountains still tower above the river, and the gorges continue to offer spectacular views of the surrounding cliffs.

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