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Übersetzungen für cobble im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . cobble1 [ˈkɒbl̩, Am ˈkɑ:bl̩] SUBST

bruk m

II . cobble1 [ˈkɒbl̩, Am ˈkɑ:bl̩] VERB trans

brukować [perf wy-]

cobble2 [ˈkɒbl̩, Am ˈkɑ:bl̩] VERB trans

Beispielsätze für cobble

to cobble sth together

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It left the air temporarily but managed to get back on-the-air the next morning cobbling together a makeshift workspace at its transmitter building.
The dolomite limestone used to cobble the pathway are not uniformly shaped, and range from six to ten inches (254 mm) thick.
In other cases, blocks derived from great depths may resemble polished water-worn pebbles and are cobbled due to fluidisation and upwards transport.
In contrast, the sinuous isthmuses and spits which link them are composed of sea-sorted sand, shingles and cobbles.
The pavements were composed of limestone slabs, of basalt cobbles or clay.
The platforms are at the bottom of two ramps (one on each side) which until recently was cobbled on the bound platform.
The refurbishments are now complete with most of the original cobbles being taken away and only the odd few remaining.
He is transformed from an insensate prisoner who mindlessly cobbles shoes into a man of distinction.
Researchers originally thought that this area was a cemetery site because of the tomb-like concentrations of river cobbles.
They only just barely managed to cobble together a financial deal to get that vital book published.

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