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Übersetzungen für commercial agent im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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commercial agent SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The division found the commercial agents, and we trusted them.
She got her commercial agent and booked her first audition, claiming acting was always just something she did on the side to make money for college and music equipment.
My commercial agent also covers voice-over actors, and my voiceover agent said to me, will you audition for a cartoon show?
Some players of a certain level of fame might even need a commercial agent who can schmooze potential sponsors and bring in corporate backers.
The same year, after going back to studies, he graduated as a commercial agent.
They were peddlers, clothes dealers, cattle merchants and small-scale commercial agents.
The transition to commercial agent came easily, given her background.
He also worked as a commercial agent for the company.
Son of a commercial agent and a cook, he studied music theory and piano.
However, the importation for private use or for the purpose of a specific project does not require a local commercial agent or distributor.

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