Englisch » Polnisch

computer [kəmˈpju:təʳ, Am -t̬ɚ] SUBST

personal computer
laptop computer
laptop m

computer-aided, computer-assisted ADJ COMPUT

computer centre SUBST COMPUT

computer fraud SUBST JUR, COMPUT

computer fraud

computer game SUBST

computer game

computer graphics SUBST + Sg/Pl Verb COMPUT

computer network SUBST

computer programmer SUBST

computer programmer
programista(-tka) m (f)

computer programming SUBST kein Pl

computer science SUBST kein Pl

computer science

computer scientist SUBST

computer scientist
informatyk(-yczka) m (f)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Automation of the process soon followed with the image captured by a digital camera and passed directly to a computer.
Anyone who has had their computer or email system crash can relate.
During the open-house, many toured the new facility, complete with library, history gallery and computer area, reflecting on the challenges ahead.
Computer-assisted design and fabrication are reshaping manufacturing.
This device may be either a general-purpose computer running software to perform the network emulation or a dedicated emulation device.
Statistical learning theory has led to successful applications in fields such as computer vision, speech recognition, bioinformatics and baseball.
Viewers can watch these programs from any web browser, whether on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Snappy connects to the parallel port on a personal computer and the composite video output on a camcorder.
Various types of technology support for the computers are also included, with a computer help desk located in both the middle school and upper school.
Note that the user's password is not disclosed to the computer he uses.

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