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Übersetzungen für constable im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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constable [ˈkʌnstəbl̩] SUBST Brit

police constable
woman police constable
chief constable

police constable SUBST Brit form

police constable

Beispielsätze für constable

police constable
chief constable
Assistant [or Deputy] Chief Constable
woman police constable

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A homeowner and tavern keeper, he participated in the community, becoming a member of the fire association and a constable.
The 67 special constables were forced to take shelter in the local police station for protection after 200 community members surrounded the police station.
The six former special constables became parks custodians.
He did some town duties, serving as hogreeve, constable, and just before he died, the surveyor of highways.
In many other countries, officer is a generic term not specifying a particular rank, and the lowest rank is often constable.
The judge is assisted by a constable who is also elected to a four-year term.
Later constables seem to only occasionally be called upon by the king, without having regular tasks to fulfill.
The duties of private special constables are determined by their employers and have authorities limited by statutes under which they operate.
Full-time and part-time constables also serve with resident troopers.
The appointed constables held office for a year and were often men who had experience in other local government or community roles.

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