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Übersetzungen für contralto im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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contralto <-s> [kənˈtræltəʊ, Am -toʊ] SUBST kein Pl MUS


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

So although a singer in another genre might have a range equivalent to a contralto, they would not have a similar sound.
However, the vocal tessitura of a classically trained contralto would still make these singers more comfortable singing in the lower part of the voice.
She also occasionally played some of the larger contralto roles.
The collection was completed in 1841, and initially composed for tenor, and mezzo-soprano, later arranged for baritone, contralto, or soprano, and piano.
Singers in this class, like the coloratura contraltos, are rare.
Most often the character is an adolescent or a very young man, sung by a mezzo-soprano or contralto.
Most of these employ a female voice, usually either a soprano or mezzo-soprano, but two contralto versions are available.
Though present in jazz and country music, there were few contralto singers in popular music at the time.
Although she began her career as a soprano, her voice lowered in the early part of her career to that of a true contralto.
Her voice had settled into a true contralto of exceptional power and richness.

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