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Übersetzungen für conveyancing im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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conveyancing [kənˈveɪənsɪŋ] SUBST kein Pl Brit JUR


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This restricted temporary conveyancing of parts of a freehold from its true owner to multiple fictitious owners.
Dealing with conveyancing as well as trust businesses, developing last wills, and administrating estates are parts of solicitors' practice.
By then, land registration reforms were a minor political issue and only really opposed by solicitors who earned sizeable conveyancing fees.
His area of legal work includes, civil and criminal litigation, conveyancing, land, labour, intellectual property, entertainment and sports law.
Although to simplify conveyancing the law does not, equity does recognise unlimited numbers of co-owners, and owners with unequal interests (i.e. tenants in common).
Conveyancing occurs in three stages: before contract, before completion and after completion.
This simplifies conveyancing, making transactions easier and potentially less costly for all involved.
This results in a system of conveyancing where buyers get their survey done before making a bid through their solicitor to the seller's solicitor.
Racial covenants became the fashion, almost a passion, in conveyancing, and were demanded by banks and lending institutions in all real-estate developments.
One of his advertisements in 1875 shows a particular attention to conveyancing and examination of land titles.

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