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Übersetzungen für convulsions im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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convulsion [kənˈvʌlʃən] SUBST

1. convulsion:

convulsions Pl (movements)
konwulsje fpl
convulsions Pl (movements)
drgawki fpl

2. convulsion (change):


to be in convulsions ugs

Beispielsätze für convulsions

convulsions Pl (movements)
to be in convulsions ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It produces symptoms of irritability, disorientation, lethargy, muscle spasms, vomiting, abdominal cramps, convulsions, and seizures.
Boiled pupae were eaten to treat apoplexy, aphasy, bronchitis, pneumonia, convulsions, hemorrhages, and frequent urination.
It penetrates the brain by an unknown mode and causes symptoms such as convulsions and intracerebral hematoma.
She suffers from seizures and convulsions and doctors are forced to operate.
Activation of receptors by an agonist ligand may induce hallucinogenic effects and also may be responsible for the paradoxical convulsions sometimes seen in opiate overdose.
Birds affected by strychnine poisoning exhibit wing droop, salivation, tremors, muscle tenseness and convulsions.
Strychnine, when inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through eyes or mouth, causes a poisoning which results in muscular convulsions and eventually death through asphyxia.
Overdose can lead to headache, tinnitus, numbness and tingling around the mouth and tongue, convulsions, inability to breathe, and decreased heart function.
Other likely symptoms include convulsions, neuromuscular symptoms, shock, loss of consciousness, hypotension, ataxia, excessive salivation, limb paralysis, nausea and vomiting, fever, and severe abdominal pain.
It is a highly selective agonist for the -opioid receptor, which produces fewer convulsions than most drugs from this family.

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