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Übersetzungen für cottage industry im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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cottage industry SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Recently the cottage industry has become the major industry in the area.
Other areas of his work were agriculture and cottage industry, rural health and rural education.
It has been suggested that a local cottage industry could have started making semiprecious jewelry.
Many surf-related brand names originated as cottage industry, supplying local surfers with boardshorts, wetsuits, surfboards or leashes, as well as other hardware.
Alternatively, they can be the product of low-tech cottage industry or can be mass-produced in high-tech factories.
Handicrafts, particularly weaving and the manufacture of religious art for home altars, are a small cottage industry.
A more recent addition has been a variety of kits in cold cure resin marketed by various small companies as part of a cottage industry.
The making of shoes began as a cottage industry and expanded to large factories.
The nearest it came to industrialisation was a cottage industry in flax spinning.
It was the band's breakthrough album, taking them from cottage industry to the international stage.

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