Englisch » Polnisch

cover-up SUBST


I . cover up VERB trans

1. cover up (protect):

2. cover up (conceal):

tuszować [perf za-]

II . cover up VERB intr

1. cover up (protect):

2. cover up (dress):

Beispielsätze für cover-up

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it.
Initially he had been able to orchestrate a cover-up and was to be commended for the incident.
As the trial proceeds, they uncover a massive cover-up perpetrated by one of the military's highest-ranking officials.
In addition, several bishops who had participated in the cover-up were also forced to resign or retire.
He was therefore kept in a secret medical facility, isolated from the world so that the cover-up would not be discovered.
Eight months later, when word of this decision was made public, there would be more charges of deception and cover-up.
The second half of the elimination challenge requires three of the remaining artist to perform a cover-up.
Soon a miscarriage of justice starts to look like a state cover-up involving the intelligence community.
Felicity then announced she was a 15-year-old schoolgirl, causing the station to try to cover-up the scandal.
None of the newspapers presented evidence of a cover-up, but they questioned whether the conclusions were supported by the evidence.

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