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Übersetzungen für crape im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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crape SUBST

crape → crepe

Siehe auch: crepe

crepe [kreɪp] SUBST kein Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The family also includes the widely cultivated crape myrtle trees.
As well as lucky colours, the numbers four and nine are deemed to be lucky, with chrysanthemum and crape-myrtle flowers being lucky too.
The historic districts contain many of the city's 2,000 crape myrtlesits official flowerand developed gardens.
The hearse was entirely covered with cloth, velvet, crape and alpaca.
These low-hanging flower heads can create problems and get in the way when a crape myrtle is planted near a driveway, sidewalk or path.
So, if you want a crape myrtle that will mature in the shape you desire, be sure you plant one that naturally grows that way.
In the back yard are crape myrtles and a large old live oak tree.
For the overwhelming majority of us, the appropriate approach is to enhance the natural shape of our crape myrtles.
Made of ivory crape fabric, it was styled with a cowl at the front and organza-covered buttons at the back.
Young palms and crape myrtles hold the promise of grace and shade.

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