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Übersetzungen für cure-all im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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cure-all SUBST

1. cure-all (medicine):


2. cure-all übtr:


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It was once marketed as a cure-all; at one time, its ads even suggested taking it for the blahs.
It's not the cure-all that we all - well, it does help with a lot of things, but it does come with risks.
He perceives public education, far from being the cure-all for ills of the people, as a tool for casting people into a mold of docility.
Its folkloric medicinal value as a cure-all has since been limited by better scientific understanding of appropriate and inappropriate uses.
But don't think your puppy isa stress cure-all, she explains.
Nothing's a cure-all, and you've really got to think hard about it.
These included wide-ranging concepts, such as that the superpowers possessed by some academy students were not a cure-all for problems, and that even the old and wise could make mistakes.
The notion that you can fix ugly spaces by adding greenery after the fact as a kind of cure-all is a mistake, he insists.
Treatment by surgical intervention can obviously have the most immediate impact, again however, it is not a cure-all.
It's not a cure-all, but at the very least the sector can consider synergies and redundancies.

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