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Übersetzungen für debase im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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debase [dɪˈbeɪs] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A dozen years later, in 1893, he wrote that novels should strengthen and ennoble life, rather than undermining and debasing it.
Another problem which could occur would be a dishonest mint official debasing the coin, or putting less precious metal in the coin than specified.
It is debasing and embittering to attack secretly those whom one is forced to praise in public.
Some feudal lords began minting their own koban, but the value was debased with alloys of varying gold content.
Gold coinage was suspended and the franc was debased.
The public could also debase coins, usually by clipping or scraping off small portions of the precious metal, also known as stemming.
In 1863, silver coins below 5 lire were debased from 90% to 83.5% and silver 20 centesimi coins were introduced.
A government that... is indifferent or even hostile against them creates bitterness, debases the nation and generates disloyal subjects.
It was initially silver, but was slowly debased to bronze.
He debased the "dinaro" and its fractions, whereas the "grosso" was kept at 98.5% pure silver to ensure its usefulness for foreign trade.

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