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Übersetzungen für defrost im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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defrost [di:ˈfrɒst, Am -ˈfrɑ:st] VERB trans, intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Many insurance claims were expected for food in freezers which defrosted after power outages.
Once defrosted this leads to an alteration in the texture of the crabmeat and a loss of the natural flavour.
Some scientists have hypothesized that hominids began cooking food to defrost frozen meat which would help ensure their survival in cold regions.
Firstly the headed and gutted hake fish are defrosted.
The car had good ventilation and defrosting systems.
An auxiliary gasoline heater with a one-gallon tank provided heat and defrosting.
Some of the snow in the area starts to melt as a result, and the great dane is defrosted.
Only those areas which defrost in the summer have vegetations, which accounts for about 10% of the archipelago.
Freezers with automatic defrosting and combined refrigerator/freezer units which also apply self defrosting to their freezer compartment are called frost free.
If there is any doubt at all about the length of time the food has been defrosted at room temperature, it should be thrown out.

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