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Übersetzungen für dehumanise im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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dehumanize, dehumanise Brit [ˌdi:ˈhju:mənaɪz] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Sanitise and dehumanise it like much of the rest of the media?
All these terms trivialise drone strikes and dehumanise their victims.
It's only when we dehumanise one another that we are capable of violence.
Surely it's not really a deliberate restriction on the part of the government to dehumanise these desperate people, is it?
It is the kind of attitude that is impossible if we dehumanise drug dependent people and keep them faceless.
If it's negative towards the young jobless, the government's approach to asylum seekers is to try to dehumanise them in the public mind.
We have survived in the face of enormous oppression, subjugation, violence and attempts to dehumanise us entirely.
They stigmatise, exclude and even dehumanise them with evictions and all sorts of anti-poor policies and actions.
We dehumanise them, but war is a very intimate act.
I have noticed recently that a further step has been taken to dehumanise the asylum seekers.

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