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Übersetzungen für deliriously im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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deliriously [dɪˈlɪriəsli] ADV

1. deliriously (incoherently):

to rave deliriously

2. deliriously (extremely):

deliriously happy

Beispielsätze für deliriously

deliriously happy
to rave deliriously

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Instead, he s pushing his deliriously inventive talents further, to work through things that continue to define him.
People rarely report getting a glimpse of the future and seeing someone deliriously happy on their wedding day or being given a promotion at work.
A minor incident with locals rapidly escalates into a blood-soaked, deliriously warped nightmare.
For a while he is deliriously happy with their relationship, but as reality sets in he realizes that the entire school is shunning both of them.
The fodder for the evening won't be a deliriously bad movie.
There -- in a nutshell -- is something to be inscribed in granite in a lonely churchyard commemorating the deliriously foolhardy.
The musical standards are deliriously high across the board.
I've seen television commercials advertising adhesives that hold dentures in place, and they show deliriously happy people eating corn on the cob and the like.
Deliriously drunk, they got married too.
He is a man of deliriously firm, contradictory convictions, with a life-long dream of dismantling high-art/low-art hierarchies.

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