Englisch » Polnisch

desert1 ['dezet, Am -ˈzɜ:rt] SUBST a. übtr

in the desert
desert plant

I . desert2 [di'zзt, Am -ɚt] VERB trans a. übtr

II . desert2 [di'zзt, Am -ɚt] VERB intr

Beispielsätze für desert

desert plant
in the desert
to desert to the enemy

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The desert warthog is an important host of the tsetse fly, and in some parts of its range efforts are being made to reduce warthog numbers because of this.
This design allowed for a pleasant shopping experience in the dry summer heat as well as the cold high-desert winters.
He is filthy, yet seems perfectly content as the horse drags him across the desert and through water crossings.
The term desert island therefore typically refers to an undiscovered island.
Colour first appears once the scene changes to a lone blonde in the blue sky desert.
Thousands joined them in the desert, mostly men but also a handful of women.
Environmental circumscription occurs when an area of productive agricultural land is surrounded by a less productive area such as the mountains, desert, or sea.
This proposal entails the construction of a massive combined air-rail-sea logistical center to be located in the desert north of the city.
Dromedary bags are useful when traveling through the desert, but are generally too heavy for extended trips.
A number of desert-dwelling larks have evolved long bills, apparently to aid digging for food in a sandy environment.

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