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Übersetzungen für detection rate im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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detection rate SUBST JUR

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This test claimed to be able to detect early-stage oral or head and neck cancers with a detection rate as high as 91-94%.
Our detection rate for robbery is remarkably good and criminals know that.
Overall, results of clinical trials about sensitivity, specificity, and the absolute detection rate can vary markedly.
The detector was able to analyze 1200 bags per hour, for a detection rate of 99.8%.
In police dramas, through most of the 1970s however, corruption was rare, the detection rate was unrealistically high, and the criminals arrested were always convicted on solid evidence.
The second phase aims to maintain at least a 70% case detection rate of new smear positive cases as well as maintain a cure rate of at least 85%.
It has a detection rate of up to 90% for colovesical fistulae.
The experimenters tested pairs of faces that were either high in similarity or low in similarity, but the detection rate was no different between those conditions.
Also, where there is more access to screening programs, there is a higher detection rate.
The authors calculate the false detection rate at 0.0022, which indicates they're pretty confident it's real.

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